Friday, November 25, 2011

Need some LEGITIMATE sources for term paper on gay marriage?

I'm writing my term paper on gay marriage, It's an argumentative paper but I'd prefer not to state MY particular feelings because I don't want opinions on gay marriage. I just need someone to recommend some legitimate sources for information, as I've had a little bit of a hard time finding good ones. I actually need information from both sides of the gay marriage issue, so if you can recommend a newspaper article, book, etc, pretty much anything that is from a legitimate source I would really appreciate it!Need some LEGITIMATE sources for term paper on gay marriage?
Academic writer - she said 'legitimate' not 'plagiaristic cheats'.Need some LEGITIMATE sources for term paper on gay marriage?
try the nonbiased websites(try reporter or government sites) for the gay marriage issues in the U.S. Various propositions have been proposed throughout the states, for example Prop 8 of California, and those websites present arguments actually submitted to legislatures, from supporters and non-supporters.
A good place to start is the wikipedia article ';same sex marriage';.

You can look at the footnotes, and go from there.

I would also consider going to a good library and using their OPAC to search for more information.

Good luck. I hope you ace it!
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