Friday, July 30, 2010

How do Chrisitan based Democrats reconcile Gay marriage?

Several Christian Democratic politicians support gay marriage. How can this be when it contradicts their faith. It's their choice, I'm curious how they reconcile this belief.How do Chrisitan based Democrats reconcile Gay marriage?
It is because they understand that marriage is not just a religious ceremony, it is also a legal contract. Just because politicians agree to allow 2 same sex people to join in that legal contract it does not mean that they want to force churches to perform the religious ceremony.

Even if same sex marriage is legal, churches do not have to perform them, it would be a civil ceremony performed by a JP.How do Chrisitan based Democrats reconcile Gay marriage?
When did Jesus ever say two gay people can't get married?
They have enough respect for the separation of church and state to realize that passing laws that enforce their own religious doctrine is nothing less than theocratic law.

If you like theocratic law maybe you should try living in one of those countries in the Middle East for a while and then see how much you like it.

Edit - People are entitled to practice what ever religious (or non-religious) beliefs that they so choose per the 1st amendment free exercise clause.

People are also entitled to be free from some other religion imposing their religious doctrine in the government as theocratic law per the 1st amendment establishment clause.

To support laws that enforce religious doctrine is to support the unconstitutional theocratic laws that some of our politicians are pushing and thus constitutes pushing your own religious doctrine on people that do not follow your particular religious belief.

There is no cause in this nation that is greater than the constitution's protection of every citizen's rights.

But you are correct, if your faith impairs your ability to do your job, you should get another job.

Some people have the ability to keep their faith and their occupation separated when their occupation requires it, some people do not.

For example:

A pharmacist that refuses to dispense whatever due to his/her religious beliefs can at times put people's lives in jeopardy and thus should automatically loose their license due to the fact that they have demonstrated that they are unable to perform the duties required by their occupation.

A politician that cannot keep their religious beliefs separate from their legislation should be removed from office due to the fact that they have demonstrated that they will not uphold the constitution per their oath of office with respect to the 1st amendment establishment clause.
Actually it is easy to do. Read 1 Corinthians chapter 5, verse 12. '; What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. Expel the wicked man from among you. '; NIV version.
Same way they reconcile themselves to whole swathes of the Bible and modern life - diet, clothing, slavery, and so forth.

Or perhaps their reading of the Bible recognises what the bits that are claimed to be about homosexuality are actually about so their faith doesn't give them a moment's trouble on issues of sexuality.
Being gay is not a choice. Anyone who has an ounce of education knows that.

If Christians are all knowing and accepting of others (as Christ was), they would know that what 2 consenting, people do, in the privacy of their own lives, is their business. Not yours, not your neighbors, or anyone else's.

I'm a Christian and I believe Christ would be pleased that I love my neighbors, gay and straight. They have hurt no one.
I am not the target audience of choice as I do not claim to be christian but a pagan nor am I American so I can't be called a Democrat

But -

The mariages of persons is not the business of the State it is a private contractual arrangement between persons

The job of the State is to enforce agreements made that are lawful in civil or criminal courts not to define what agreements can or should be entered into such as marriage

The chrurch has no place in government - the job of the government is to represent the will of the people - not to interfere and define them

A paid employee of the State such as a President gets his pay check from the same place a welfare reciepient does - the tax payer

As such the employee should be mindful and careful before voting his or her consious as that is irelavant compared to the peoples wishes and so on

If their faith christian muslim jewish prevents them from representing the will of the people they should quit and find alternative work asap
They understand what belongs to them and what belongs to their God.
Although sprcpt's answer was excellent and hits the mark, I can't resist being drawn into the religious argument. How does understanding and compassion for fellow human beings, gay or straight, contradict the Christian faith? Where in the Bible does it say that Jesus was a judgemental, dogmatic, ****** right winger who felt he had the right to ram his beliefs down everyone else's throats? Jesus preached a message of love, tolerance and humility. I doubt he was a big proponent of prostitution as an occupation, but he treated prostitutes like human beings who needed his compassion and understanding as much as those in other lines of work. On a personal level, they reconcile it by actually listening to and following Jesus' teachings, which include tolerance for diversity. They don't put words in his mouth and use him as a figurehead for their own political agendas. On a professional and political level, as the previous comment so eloquently pointed out, they have enough respect for separation of church and state to actually keep them separate.
I is an oxy moron!!! Quite funny!

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