Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If gay marriage is legal, can a pastor/priest be sued for discrimination if they refuse to marry a gay couple?

Please provide evidence to support.If gay marriage is legal, can a pastor/priest be sued for discrimination if they refuse to marry a gay couple?

Bill of rights: freedom of religion.

Although if it were legal you could sue your county judge if he refused to marry you. As a government official he would be obligated to follow the law.If gay marriage is legal, can a pastor/priest be sued for discrimination if they refuse to marry a gay couple?
Well I know that isn't true because priests and pastors don't have to marry ANYONE straight or gay (at least at the catholic church)

My parents got turned down after having a baby because they wanted to get married and the priest didn't want to marry them just for the baby.

Besides homosexuality is against MANY religions and they don't have to break their religious beliefs for gays.
No. this is only an ignornant excuse to scare the undeducated. Churches are not required to perform any marriage they do not agree with. Example, catholic churches do not perfrom marriages for couples who are divorced, unless they can prove the the first marriage was invalid.
Private discrimination is quite legal. Places of public accomodation like restaurants and hotels and businesses engaged in interstate commerce are subject to various anti-discrimination laws, but I am not.
Well, since it'd be for religious reasons and they're a religious organization, they can't be sued.

It's in the first amendment.
Civil marriage may be legal in some states. That has no bearing on religious marriages.
No. Freedom of religion.
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