Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why Is Hillary Clinton So Opposed To Gay Marriage?

I was going to vote for Hillary until I found out about her outrageous opposition to Gay Marriage. I looked up Sen. Obama's stance and discovered a much more Gay friendly Candidate. My question is, how long has Hillary stood this way about Gay Marriage; and what is her motive?Why Is Hillary Clinton So Opposed To Gay Marriage?
Because two gay people do not constitute a marriage.

Marriages are defined by churches, they are a church institution.

Governements can dfeind unions of people, or eligibility for government benefits, or legal rights in wills and codicils...

But a marriage is the union before God of a man and a woman. It is not anything else.

As Abe Lincoln once quipped, ';How many legs has a dog if you call a tail a leg? Five? No. Four. Calling a tail a leg does not make it a leg.';Why Is Hillary Clinton So Opposed To Gay Marriage?
actually, I bet she doesn't care if gay people get married or not.. she's hoping to win the votes of the people who are opposed to gay marriage but on the fence with other issues.. it's all politics..
I have to confess, I am on the fence too about using the word marriage for gay unions, which I am not against. I've been trying to get used to it for some time now since I'm not big on regulating private lives, but marriage just seems to be ingrained in me to mean man and woman. It won't affect my daily life in anyway if there is gay marriage, maybe I'm just stuck in a verbal rut and too damn old to change, but I'd be happy for civil unions that carried the same laws and responsibilities of marriage. I'd be happy to see gay families formalized. Hillary and I are around the same age, so maybe its an age thing, maybe we feel it will be quicker and easier to get approval for civil unions rather than stuff gay marriage down the throats of the obdurate Conservatives. But I do understand how she can feel that way and yet still not dislike gays or their problems.
She is that way because she is a closet dyke, and she doesn't want anybody to find out.......little does she know, we know! Lol!!
Shannie got it right!!
What do you mean what is her motive have you been living in a cave for the last12 years. The Clinton's are poll driven she read the polls where most of Americans are against gay marriage, enough said!
It's more than likely because it would probably be detrimental to her political career if she supported legalizing gay marriage.
Methinks she could be gay herself
the government will hunt you down and toucher you in there evil ways
None of the Democratic candidates support gay marriage. Both Obama and Hillary support civil unions rather than marriage, so where's the difference? She was well received at the debate on Logo regarding gay issues. I'd be interested to hear further details of how you came to the conclusion that she has some outrageous opposition to gay marriage that is any different than the other candidates that don't support it either. She has pledged to get rid of ';Don't Ask Don't Tell'; to let gays serve openly in the military, and she insists that civil unions must contain all rights attributable to civil marriage. What is so outrageous?

Personally, I'm all for gay marriage. But I understand that no matter how they really feel about the subject, there isn't a viable candidate for President who will come out and say so. It would be anathema to their campaign.

EDIT: I just received an email telling me that Hillary Clinton will be on the opening show of Ellen's new season, not Obama. Ellen's an advocate for gay marriage, so why doesn't she have a problem with Hillary's stance and if Obama is so much more sympathetic to the gay community why is she having Hillary instead of him? Hmmm....
Unfortunately actively supporting ';Gay Marriage'; is political suicide. Even if you do support gay rights the concept of marriage other than a heterosexual one between 1 man and 1 woman is still not accepted by a majority of Americans.
I didn't know that.

My neighbor knows Hillary as a close friend and invited me to meet her and she seemed really nice. I wouldn't imagine she was opposed to gay marriage.

thanks for letting me know. and I know I didn't really help you at all. D;
She is riding the fence and is trying to capture the conservative vote. No one believes her, and she won't get that vote. That's how desperate she is.
Perhaps bill clinton is gay..... lol
Political Strategy. Nothing more, nothing less. Every politician knows that it's a great injustice to treat homosexuals like second class citizens. They take Anti-homosexual stances to cater to their ignorant constituencies.
Trying to deny her own natural feelings, obviously...shame, shame...
She's trying to convince us Conservatives that she's found Jesus.
Well, I am gay and I heard via 6 degrees of separation that Hill is very much Bi and had a lesbian-lover in the white house during the Clinton Administration.I guess Bill and Hill were both getting a thrill.
She doesn't want Bill to marry a better man than she did!
im not gay - but i dont agree with banning gay marraiges - do we not have freedom of religion in this country %26gt; ? and if it really is a religous matter - why are you allowed to divorce when most religions dont agree with divorce - if gay marriages are banned - then divorces should be too - - -
Because she hasn't come out of the closet yet.
Obama is against gay marriage too. They are both for civil unions and some partnership rights to gay people. Why can't a person be anti-gay marriage? It doesn't make them homophobic, I'm for gay marriage but is not that big of an issue. There are more pressing issues at hand. Those might be her personal beliefs or she might be moderating her position a bit to woo the conservatives.
Because Hilary Clinton will not take a stance for anything that will make her unpopular. She is crafting her stance to legitimately make a run at religeous voters. Knowing that they oppose gay marriage, she sill be reluctant to support it, but also will not openly condemn it.
Her motive is probably fear that her true self may be seen by the world. I think that she is a lesbian myself if you ask me, and that she didn't blink and eye when Bill cheated should have been a clue for loads of people. Anywho.... who knows why any one has motives against other people's happiness. I think that the politicians should not have a right to tell you who you can and can not marry, who gave them that right? Oh yeah we did, be careful who you choose.......
If your biggest issue for this country is gay marriage please stay home next November.
Not everyone shares your views, deal with it.
One can never truly know what a person is thinking other than themselves, BUT... her stance is that because of our society. She knows that if she supported she would lose just because of numbers...I think that we still have more RED states than BLUE and until that changes the candidates that run will have to be somewhat conservative. I bet in her head she supports it...As the owl says ';The World may Never Know';
She's not. I saw the clips of all the dem candidates pandering to the homo's in the so called gay debate. That in itself should make anyone want to vote Republican...
i don't know but how come she don't approve gay marriage but she approves cheating ( she was cool with Monica) so she approves bigamy/ polygamy
I would have to say after the way Bill treated her she may be feeling certain tendancies.

Can we say rosie's next girlfriend, maybe even brittany spears's.


But on the real becuase she believes in family units such as one male (father) one female (mother) and children.
Maybe because it reminds her of the Lewinsky Affair in 1998!

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