Saturday, August 21, 2010

To the ladies that have gotten pregnant before marriage?

I have been wanting to get pregnant since i was 19 but i convinced myself to wait. i am now about to turn 21 and still having baby fever. do you ladies think its ok for me to go ahead and let myself get pregnant. im on bc pills. i've been with my bf for a while. i have a job, car, pay my own bills, and don't rely on anyone. friendly advice please on why I should or shouldn鈥檛 wait?To the ladies that have gotten pregnant before marriage?
You're a grown-up, you support yourself and have a steady bf, you don't need permission from anyone.To the ladies that have gotten pregnant before marriage?
1) make sure you boyfriend isent a loser who isent going to take responsibility once the baby is born

2) It does not matter if YOU have a job, you are not going to be working once the baby is born, does your boyfriend have a good job? What is your plan to pay the bills, etc once the baby is born?

3) Have you actually researched the costs of having a child?

4) Do you have a support system if you need it?

Dont mean to sound like I am being rude, but I am 21 now, and 23 weeks pregnant, I had baby fever as well, thought I had everything figured out, had a great boyfriend. Once I got pregnant he decided he no longer wanted to work, and essentially turned into a loser because I now owed him for getting me pregnant. Keep in mind too in canada men get automatic 50% custody if you break up.
I think that having a bay is your choice and your decision, no matter what the circumstances are. I think if you are stable and feel you can provide the accordingly for your baby then go for it. I don't see anything wrong with it and a lot of independent women like yourself are doing it all the time. The only thing I suggest is that you make sure the baby has his/her father available for them.
PLEASE WAIT by all means wait. I could never tell anyone its just ok to let yourself get pregnant without being married. Im just a few years older than you and also very independent. I have my own house, my own car and I pay my own bills, but when you get pregnant you will see how quickly your life will completely change. Dont be fooled into believing that things will remain how they are now. My baby is not due til August 09 but I'm already feeling the stress. I cant emphasize it enough, just wait you have time and your whole life ahead of you.
Discuss it with your boyfriend. Even though you might be ready for a baby, doesn't mean your boyfriend is. Having a baby is a big step and your boyfriend's opinions/thoughts count just as much. Would you want to have a baby and then have your boyfriend leave you because he wasn't ready? It's good that you have a job, can pay for yourself and independent. But parenthood is a joint decision. Good luck
my opinion would be to wait until your 100% sure that your ready to have a baby, because once you have a baby you can't take the baby back. also waiting for marriage would be a plus especially for the child, to have both parents in their life. and you don't ever want to become a ';baby momma';!!
As long as u and ur bf are both ready then I say go for it. If he isn't ready, then wait, the last thing you want is ur baby's father to not be ready to be a father. As far as the marriage thing goes, great if you want to wait, but a marriage doesn't necessarily make a relationship more stable in my opinion.
I had baby fever my whole life. I was blessed with a pregnancy when I was 26. Though i was in an 8 year relationship at the time and pretty much settled I still had some reservations. I would give it a while. You are young and have years to make this decision, which will be one of the most important, life altering decisions you will ever make.
You need to think long an hard about what will be best for the BABY and not anyone else. I know the urge to have a baby can be strong and make you want to ignore other things, but you need to think of everything before making a decision. And of course, you need your bf's input too. If he's not 100% ready then it's not a good idea.
Nobody can tell you what is right for you but I know that it is really hard to have a baby before you are ready and married. I had my first at 18 and me and her dad split up when she was only a year and a half. Life was very hard, harder than i thought it would be. I am now remarried and expecting baby number 2 and things have been so much easier this time around. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!!!
marriage isn't what's important when you're planning to bring a child into this world. what is important is that you have the financial stability in order to provide for this baby. Along with a lot of love and quality time. If you can provide these things, why not?
Well you shouldnt trick your boyfriend. Sit down and have a conversation with him about it. Do you see yourself marrrying him? If not he is prob not the one to have kids with either. If so, maybe go that route first. If you are not ready for marriage you are prob not ready for kids. Kids are a lot more important and def more permanent!
if you feel you are ready to take care of child then go for it. definitely talk to your bf about it. it is a life changing decision but if its really what you want, then it will be the best decision of your life and the most wonderful feeling in the world becoming a mom. its a love like you've never felt before! good luck
I can relate I'm also 21 with baby fever...however what does your boyfriend say of this? mine is totally against having children now although we both work..are you done with school? do you and your boyfriend live together? its always best to raise a child in a 2parent home

Completely up to and your boyfriend speak to him about it.

god bless xx im not married and with my partner for over 2yrs now and dont regret being pregnant before marrige
I am 23, not married but engaged. My baby is almost a year old. We were in the exact same position as you. I say if you feel you are ready then go for it. There is no need to be married to have a child unless you are religious.
if you and your bf are both on the same page ie. he wants a child too and will be there for you and baby, then go ahead :) if you're stable then you'll be fine. good luck :)
I think if waiting is something that is important to you then you should. You are still young and you have plenty of time for babies.
Go ahead hun! Sometimes it takes a little time to get pregnant as well so don't expect it to happen right away.
I would at least ask you boyfriend if he wants a baby. I would think it would be bad to get pregnant without him knowing.
First, what does your boyfriend say about this?

A baby is a big responsibility! You need to both be on board with this decision!
if you want a baby and can take care of it i see no reason why you shouldn't.
If you can pay and take care of a baby. then go for it.
if u think ur ready for a baby can't no body on yahoo answers answer that question for u its ur decision!

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